Friday, August 22, 2008

Kids really do and say the darndest things

What better place to start than with my kids? You can never quite tell what is going to come out of the mouth of Owen (age 4, at time of writing). We've started keeping a book of his better comments; here are some of the better ones:

[sitting at the dinner table, opposite his little brother] "I'm at the head of the table, and Zach is at the penis of the table!"

[listening to Peter and the Wolf, after the Wolf eats the Duck] "Was the duck tasty?" [That's when we knew we didn't have a vegetarian on our hands!]

"I have a volcano in my pocket, but it doesn't need any batteries!"

[Owen] "Daddy, I love you." [Me] "I love you too, Owen. Do you love mommy?" [Owen] "Yes. I like trucks. Cherry pickers are my favorites."

[Brenda, trying to get Owen to eat some mac & cheez] "Here comes the train into the station!" [Owen] I have a belly full of passengers!"
I could go on for days.

Zach (10 months old right now) is quite at the funny comment stage yet, since he can't talk...or stand...or walk...or eat anything requiring teeth. But he's got personality in spades. You can tell when he starts rolling/crawling across the floor with an impish grin on his face, making straight for Owen's toys.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

One of my personal favorites from Owen's arsenal: "I SHOW YOU NOW!" It sounded as though he channeled a kung-fu movie character